About Us
True Chic, Naturally was inspired by my daughter's wish to have a hair cream product supplement the oils which she used on her natural hair. After many formulations and testimonials, this product has taken its seat in the marketplace of hair and skin products.
True Chic, Naturally is a product designed to bring out sophistication in hair and skin maintenance because of one undeniable fact- you are... "wonderfully made" as stated in Psalms 139: 14. As a result of that powerful reality, we should never look upon our attributes as mistakes, coincidences, or negative factors which never measure up when comparing ourselves to others. Instead, we must regard our personal characteristics as uniquely designed and intentionally given to each one of us. They are part of our personal human package that we should carry and treat with respect and pride.
Maintaining our hair, whether natural, relaxed, textured or curly with a level of passion and pride is very important. Using products which contain natural ingredients and protecting our hair to prevent breakage is key. Our hair will thrive because of the therapeutic benefits and protection it will receive. This product may also be used on the skin. The end result will be... True Chic, Naturally.